From education to employment, housing to trust in the police, politicians from all parties must understand the different issues affecting individual communities. 无论是教育还是就业,住房到对警察的信任方面,各党派的政治家都需要充分了解影响各个社区的不同因素。
The housing trust was set up with a donation from a wealthy19th-century philanthropist. 住房信托是靠19世纪一位富裕的慈善家的捐款建立起来的。
If you want to Housing Trust must also be6% per year to the hosting company's price plus$ 100 more per month hosting fee to the broker or at least one month's rent and so on. 如果要进行房屋托管,还必须每年给托管公司6%的房价再加上每个月100多美元的托管费或者给经纪人至少一个月的租金等等。
Large oversized 4 kw ac motor drive, coupled directly to a helical bevel gear, which in turn is connected to an individual housing containing the oversized trust bearing for the screw drive. 大型4千瓦交流电机直接同螺旋型锥齿轮连接。
"The MDF Housing Project provided the ultimate partnership," he said, adding that it established a level of trust between government and community never experienced before. “MDF住房项目产生了最终的伙伴关系,”他说。它使政府和社区之间的信任达到了前所未有的水平,他补充道。
Individual housing loan is the key points of estate trust loan. Because of the low ability of repayment by individuals, the absence of appraisal system on individual trust, the lack of bank management, the rate of violation of contracts is on the rise. 个人住房贷款业务是房地产信贷业务的工作重点,由于个人还贷能力降低,个人信用评价体系和对信贷人约束手段的缺乏,银行管理的缺陷导致个人住房贷款违约率呈上升趋势。
On the Securitization of Housing Mortgage Loan of Trust Structure 论信托结构的住房抵押贷款证券化
The demolition of the original housing make the house as trust property and set up civil trust. While the government make the land as trust property and establish commercial trust. 被拆迁人将其原有房屋作为信托财产设立民事信托,政府将土地作为信托财产设立商事信托。
Now compared with the stagnant housing market and the stock market, the art investment market is more popular far beyond them, and it is diversifying financial products gradually, such as art fund, art trust, art financial products and so on. 如今艺术品投资市场的火爆,与楼市、股市的冷淡形成了鲜明对比,且正逐步实现艺术金融产品的多样化,比如艺术品基金、艺术品信托、艺术理财产品等。